Είναι διατηρήσιμο το συναλλαγματικό καθεστώς στη Βουλγαρία;
Είναι διατηρήσιμο το συναλλαγματικό καθεστώς στη Βουλγαρία;
Οικονομία & Αγορές
01 Ιουλίου 2009
• Bulgaria’s currency board arrangement (CBA) enjoys much greater sustainability than the currency pegs in the Baltic states as it is supported by a strong fiscal position and a large pool of FX reserves, while the Bulgarian economy is in a better cyclical trajectory than the economies of the Baltic States • In the absence of a new severe negative international shock and/or a serious domestic policy mistake, e.g. undue fiscal relaxation, the market by itself is unlikely to force – without the Bulgarian government’s will - a devaluation of the lev and a CBA break up