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Two new products of the Eurostructures series

Two new products of the “Eurostructures” series, with full capital protection at maturity are offered by EFG Eurobank Ergasias Private Banking to investors from the 21st until the 31st of October.
Two new products of the “Eurostructures” series, with full capital protection at maturity are offered by EFG Eurobank Ergasias Private Banking to investors from the 21st until the 31st of October.
The new products have the following features:
  • Alternative Range Accrual: A 12-month investment denominated in EUR. The maximum possible return of the investment at maturity is 5.75% annualised and depends on the number of business days that the EUR/USD exchange rate remains between the predetermined range of +/- 6% of the ECB reference rate on start date until this range is breached.
  • Altiplano: A 4-year investment denominated in EUR that depends on the performance of 20 International blue chips. The maximum possible return of the investment is 9% annually, provided that the closing price of none of the shares is lower than 70% of its respective initial price level at certain predetermined observation dates. Otherwise investors receive an annual guaranteed return of 1%.The minimum investment amount is 10,000 EUR.
    The new products are available, in order of request, at the Private Banking Units as well as the branches of Eurobank and Ergasias network all over Greece.