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On 3 January 2018 a new regulatory framework for investment services / activities and financial instruments came into force, in compliance with European Directive 2014/65/EU (Directive on markets in financial instruments – ΜiFID II).

Objective of MiFID II

The main objective of MiFID II is to establish rules to strengthen investor protection and transparency, and to harmonise the functioning of markets in financial instruments.

To achieve this objective, among other provisions, clients are classified in categories based on specific criteria, in line with the legislation in force.

There are 3 client categories: Retail Client, Professional Client and Eligible Counterparty.

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Information on investment services and financial instruments.

The Information on Investment Services and Financial Instruments brochure includes:

  • General information about Eurobank, how to contact it and its range of services.
  • Information about the nature and the risks associated with financial instruments (Appendix I).

Order Execution Policy

The Order Execution Policy describes the operation principles adopted by Eurobank to achieve the best possible result for the client when executing transactions in financial instruments.

Publication of information on Execution Quality

In line with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/575 (RTS 27) Eurobank shall publish for each trading day the information on the quality of execution of transactions in specific instruments for which Eurobank acts as an SI quarterly and no later than three months after each quarter end.