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Eurobank, in cooperation with National and European institutions, undertakes important initiatives, aiming to enhance the liquidity of small and medium-sized companies. Specifically:

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Eurobank signed a new extension of their initial agreement, in the context of the COSME programme, for an additional amount of €390 million. With the new agreement the total amount for funding very small, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has reached €650 million. The COSME programme (with a total budget of €2.3 billion for the period 2014 – 2020) aims at improving the competitiveness of companies, especially small and medium-sized ones (SMEs). In particular, the financial tool, COSME Loan Guarantee Facility, provided in the context of the COSME programme, provides guarantees to the financial institutions to increase their financing to SMEs with reduced collateral requirements.

This financing is made possible thanks to the Guarantee that has been provided by COSME and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (“EFSI”) set up under the Investment Plan for Europe. The purpose of EFSI is to help support financing and implementing productive investments in the European Union and to ensure increased access to financing.

Additionally, Eurobank signed an agreement with ETEAN SA for the continuation of the activity of the Entrepreneurship Fund (TEPIX) “Business Restarting” (Intermediate TEPIX I). The “Intermediate TEPIX I” aims to cover the funding gap until the initiation of Entrepreneurship Fund II (TEPIX II), which is expected to take place in the second half of the year. In particular, through the Intermediate TEPIX I,   funds from the banking sector will be channeled into the market for a total amount of €384 million, out of which €192 million comes from ETEAN S.A.

With regards to the Entrepreneurship Fund (TEPIX) – “Business Restarting”, the Bank and ETEAN S.A. have formed a common fund in which the Bank and ETEAN S.A co – invest - each one participating with 50% - for the financing of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises with favorable terms. In particular, 50% of the funding which   comes from TEPIX funds, is interest free, while the remaining 50% financed by the Bank, is offered at a preferential interest rate, resulting  to a particularly low weighted average annual interest rate for the eligible companies.

At the same time and in the context of the programme “NSRF 2014-2020”, Eurobank offers a comprehensive financing programme for companies, supporting the implementation efforts of their investment plans.

For more information on the terms of the programmes and the specific conditions for participating in them, interested parties may contact executives in the Business Center that serves them or Professional Consultants in Eurobank branches or EuroPhone Banking for companies at 210 - 9555 222.