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New Shipping Division

EurobankEFGwishingtoimproveandfurtherupgradeitsproductsandservices to shippingclientsinauguratedyesterday(Wednesday, 10 January 2007)thenewpremisesofitsShippingDivisioninthepresenceofitsCEO,NicholasNanopoulos,andDeputyCEO,NikolaosKaramouzis.

ThenewofficesoftheShippingDivisionofatotalareaof 700 m2 are located inthenew building in Piraeus at 83, Akti Miaouli, and will provide a full range of services to shipping customers and more specifically:

  • Shipping financing
  • Shipping Remittances Section
  • Mortgage loan office
  • Management of foreign currency deposits
  • Cash transactions for strictly shipping customers
  • Inaddition, inthesamepremises there is also an office, which provides Private Banking services.

The Shipping Division of Eurobank EFGhasbeenofferingfinancing services toshippingcompaniessince 1994 with a high quality portfolio that presently exceeds $ 500 million.

Eurobank EFGDeputyGeneralManagerLambrosTheodorou, whoistheheadoftheShippingDivision, said in his speech among other things that: «Our aim is to continue to provide added value and high quality of service in response to the complex financial requirements of our clients who have placed their trust in us all these years. For our part, we shall continue our efforts in order to offer such level of service with the cooperation of our qualified staff from all the Bank’s departments with the view to satisfying, in the best possible way, our clients’ demands».

Representatives of the shipping community, business people and Bank officers attended the inauguration.