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Mr. D. Tzouganatos appointed Eurobank EFG Legal Advisor

Aftermorethanfifteen highly successfulyearsMs. TheodoraZervou, LegalAdvisor of EurobankEFG, is to leavehercurrentpostto undertake responsibilities as Legal Counsel for the Latsis Group.

The newly appointed Eurobank EFG Legal Advisor, due to assume his duties as of July 1st 2006, is Mr. DimitrisTzouganatos, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Athens.

Prof. Tzouganatosisa graduate of the Athens University Law School (LL.B., 1976) and holds postgraduate degrees in law from both the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen(Dr. iur., 1982) and the University of Michigan Law School (LL.M., 1985).  He is Associate Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Athens Law School and practices before the Supreme Court of Greece. He served asLegalCounsel- GeneralDirectorofLegalServicesforOTE, the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation S.A., from October 2003 to July 2004. Since then, he has been ChiefLegalCounsel-General Director of Regulatory Affairs forΟΤΕ.  First, a member of the Hellenic Competition Commission between 1995 and 1999 and from June 2000 through October 2003 Chairman of the afore-mentioned commission, Professor Tzouganatos has served in a number of law-making committees, been an administrative member of scholarly associations and published books and articles in several languages.