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The Archeological Museum of Thessaloniki

The presentation of the new annual publication of the J.S. Latsis Foundation and EFG Eurobank Ergasias titled THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF THESSALONIKI, featuring one of the most important museums in Greece, was held on Wednesday December 1, 2004 at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
The presentation of the new annual publication of the J.S. Latsis Foundation and EFG Eurobank Ergasias titled THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF THESSALONIKI, featuring one of the most important museums in Greece, was held on Wednesday December 1, 2004 at the Thessaloniki Concert Hall.
Following a variety of publications (Dupré, Greek Thalassography, Nikolaos Gyzis, Post-Byzantine Religious Icons, the Treasures of the Benaki Museum, the Acropolis Museum, 100 Years of Greek National Theatre, the Archaeological Museum of Piraeus, the Archaeological Museum and Site of Elefsina and Delos), the J.S. Latsis Foundation and EUROBANK present this year the ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF THESSALONIKI, dedicated to the unique archaeological wealth of the Macedonian land.
The book traces the history of Macedonia and Thessaloniki from prehistoric times to late antiquity, offering to the reader a glimpse on the archaeological excavations conducted in Macedonia in the last decades, especially those of the late 1970’s following the unearthing of the Vergina royal tombs.
With regard to Macedonia and its rich history, Mrs. Marianna Latsis stressed: “Among the book titles that we edit and present every year, our publication for 2004, Macedonia, is a true jewel both in the literal and figurative sense if we consider the lustre of the golden artifacts and the splendor of the Macedonian art depicted in The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki. The golden treasures of Macedonia have been shining incessantly for centuries, disseminating Greek civilization, human geography and Macedonians’ grandeur. The long history of Macedonia fills with pride not solely ourselves and all those who have worked for this publication, but also all Greeks. Every single page of this book vibrates with Greek history and spirit.
EFG EUROBANK’s Chief Executive Officer N. Nanopoulos pointed out that the “land of Macedonia preserves indelible marks of Greece’s glorious yet harsh historical course. Actual circumstances render the initiative that we are celebrating today a highly topical theme, and thus a historical flashback to the role of Macedonia and Thessaloniki is even more warranted. In the years to come, Northern Greece, Macedonia and Thessaloniki will be at the epicenter of developments. In EUROBANK, we are ready to meet new challenges and support all emerging prospects. Since the opening of our first branch office in Thessaloniki, less than a decade ago, we have managed to solidify a leading position in the Greek banking system and to boast today an important presence in the Balkans with about 300 branch offices and over 4.500 staff members in Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. With this infrastructure at hand, we are ready to support any business initiative undertaken in the above countries.
“The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki reveals its treasures and its set feature through the archaeological findings, the fascinating tomb paintings, the splendid funeral gifts and golden artifacts of the Macedonians” editor Irini Louvrou said. “This is exactly what this publication seeks to showcase” she continued.
Archaeologist and author Dimitris Grammenos explained that although the book is not a guide to the Museum, its individual sections actually match the museum’s thematic sections. Special guides will be edited for each museum section containing entries for all exhibited items thus giving visitors and readers the opportunity to delve into the ancient past of Macedonia until late antiquity, around 4th century AD.
This book numbering 379 pages was published under the editorial supervision of Mrs. Irini Louvrou of the OLKOS Publishing House. Responsible for art direction and design was Dimitris Kalokyris, and for photography of museum exhibits Giannis Patrikianos.
This cloth bound publication was printed in 16.500 Greek and 800 English copies (35 x 28 cm) by Typicon & Fotolio S.A. Responsible for color separations was D. Plessas ΑΒΕΕ and for book binding STAMOU & SIA OE.

J.S. Latsis FoundationTel. 210 80 18 951, 210 628 28 88