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Bank Post

Following the decision of the General Assembly of Banc Post, which took place on April 29th 2004 in Bucharest, Mr. David Watson has been nominated to the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Mr. D. Watson, an Advisor to Management of EFG Eurobank Ergasias on issues regarding the Bank’s development in South Eastern Europe, has an extensive banking experience in Greece and abroad. EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. owns 53, 25% of the share capital of Banc Post.
Following the decision of the General Assembly of Banc Post, which took place on April 29th 2004 in Bucharest, Mr. David Watson has been nominated to the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  Mr. D. Watson, an Advisor to Management of EFG Eurobank Ergasias on issues regarding the Bank’s development in South Eastern Europe, has an extensive banking experience in Greece and abroad.  EFG Eurobank Ergasias S.A. owns 53, 25% of the share capital of Banc Post.
The General Assembly of Shareholders also decided a number of organizational changes in Banc Post.
The President of the Management Board and Executive Director Ms. Elena Petculescu will remain President of the Management Board of the Bank, following her request to be relieved of her Executive Director duties. During the 14 years of operations of Banc Post, Ms. E. Petculescu managed to create one of the most successful and dynamic Banks in Romania.  Her contribution to the organization has been significant and the General Assembly thanked her warmly for it.
Additionally, the General Assembly elected Mr. Andreas Maragkoudakis to the position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
These changes, are subject to the approval of the Central Bank of Romania And will be implemented thereafter.
 The new organizational scheme, will allow Banc Post to continue its dynamic development to the benefit of its clients and the Romanian Economy as a whole.