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DIS Computer Logic

Discussions on the participation of EFG Eurobank and the Latsis Group as strategic investors in the companies Computer Logic and DIS - currently in the process of merging - have been completed successfully. The two-abovementioned companies occupy leading positions in the market for business information systems.
Discussions on the participation of EFG Eurobank and the Latsis Group as strategic investors in the companies Computer Logic and DIS - currently in the process of merging - have been completed successfully. The two-abovementioned companies occupy leading positions in the market for business information systems.
The aims of the collaboration and future plans and goals were announced at a press conference held on Friday, 14 January 2000 by Nicolaos Nanopoulos, CEO of the bank, and Nicolaos Karamouzis, financial advisor (on behalf of the Latsis Group and EFG Eurobank), Achilleas Hatzinikas, Managing Director of Computer Logic, and Yiannis Kyriakopoulos, Managing Director of DIS. The above co-operation will include EFG Eurobank and the Latsis Group acquiring approximately 10 per cent of the share capital of the two companies. Ways in which EFG Eurobank and the Latsis Group could participate in the share capital of the two companies are being examined, with a view to launching the first stage of collaboration; the most effective and rapid method will be selected in the near future. Collaboration between, on the one hand, the new company that will result from the merger of Computer Logic and DIS and, on the other, EFG Eurobank and more generally the Latsis Group will concentrate on the following objectives:
  • The growth of the new company's business in Greece and abroad and the expansion of its activities
  • The further expansion of its domestic clientθle to cover the wider public sector and large-size clients
  • New investment in the development of new software, services and networks
  • The provision of services to EFG Eurobank and the Latsis Group, in the form of information technology projects and related services
  • Joint establishment of companies in areas of mutual interest in the wider financial sector.

  • In view of all of the above, the Boards of Directors of Computer Logic and DIS will shortly be specifying and announcing the time-frame and procedures involved in EFG Eurobank's and the Latsis Group's new equity holding as well as setting out the procedures for the merger ot the two companies.