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Eurobank organizes the 2nd regional FinTech Competition “Beyond Hackathon” which is going to take place, on 17 – 19 of March 2017, at Eurobank premises at Nea Ionia (building H) in cooperation with the business partners, Found.ation & The Cube.

The Competition is an initiative designed and implemented by the Innovation Centre of Eurobank, for the second consecutive year with the aim to encourage, cultivate and promote open innovation in the financial services industry.

A significant change is that during the first day, Friday March 17th 2017, representatives from various business units will present their work and set actual issues and challenges, which are of direct interest for the Bank. The business units aim to communicate the current technological challenges to the participants so that they choose the respective area of interest and under their supervision will develop possible solutions during the Competition. In this context, there will be a networking session, after the presentations, so that the participants will have the opportunity to get to know the mentors better and address questions. The challenges that the business units are going to set are indicative and not binding for those that take part and the Competition is going to be open to every noteworthy idea that is going to be presented at the 1st day from the teams that will participate.

In addition, during this year’s Competition, start – ups established after 2012 will have the right to participate. An important condition for all for the participants is that the product or service presented on Sunday should be a new one which will be developed during Beyond Hackathon. The API (Application Programming Interface) that will be given to the participants, shall provide even more possibilities to users than last year, while during the whole Competition, officials of the Bank’s IT will be present to help the participants with whatever they might need.

Additionally the participants will be able to attend the Keynote speech of Mrs Efi Pylarinou, awarded in the “Women in Fintech 2016 Power List”, and to get mentoring from specialists in technology, entrepreneurship, design, Marketing matters etc.

During Saturday, March 18th and Sunday March 19th 2017, the teams will develop their ideas, which will be presented on Sunday afternoon to the Judging Committee (consisting of businessmen, Venture

Capitalists and senior executives of Eurobank) in order to claim one of the three money prizes of the
Competition (5.000, 3.000 and 2.000 euros respectively).

This year Eurobank aims to bring the 2nd Beyond Hackathon and egg - enter•grow•go closer thus will
encourage the teams that meet the entry criteria, to submit their business plan on egg’s - enter•grow•go
5th cycle in order to further develop their idea, if qualified, under the guidance of the program’s mentors,
including Bank’s officials, with the potential prospect that the Bank will support the implementation of
their project either as their customer or their partner. For those teams that do not wish to enter the
program but have an idea that is in the Bank’s interest, the possibility to reach a Proof Of Concept in
collaboration with the Bank’s business units interested will be investigated. Beyond Hackathon, is an
innovative and effective way to search out for the right talent that could be incorporated into the Bank,
in order to strengthen Eurobank’s efforts towards its digital transformation and the improvement of its
products and services provided.

This year too, the 2d regional FinTech Competition “Beyond Hackathon” is being supported and has the
active engagement of global leaders in technology and financial services, the Banks of Eurobank Group,
Greek businesses and academic institutions.

Whoever interested can apply for participation at and find detailed
information on the 2d regional FinTech Competition “Beyond Hackathon” both on the website above
and on Facebook page


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