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Universal Bank expands dynamically in the Ukrainian market

Universal Bank demonstrates robust growth rates in the Ukrainian banking sector and will have a network of more than 100 branches and Business Centers throughout Ukraine by the end of 2008. The Bank provides a full range of advanced products and services to retail and corporate clients.
Universal Bank has a current presence of 53 retail branches, 2 Business Centers servicing small & medium enterprises and 1 large Corporate Center, having added 22 new points of service to its network, since the beginning of the year.  The Bank plans to open 35 new branches, in Kiev alone, by the end of the year.
“Since the beginning of 2007 the bank has achieved a 251% increase in its Assets, while its loan portfolio more than tripled, according to the latest data from the Central Bank of Ukraine”, said the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Miltos Papanikolaou, at a press conference in Kiev.
“By the end of 2008, Universal Bank will be present in all of Ukraine, through its strong network of over 100 branches and Business Centers”, said Mr. Papanikolaou. “Our innovative products, our specialized and trained personnel, our consumer orientated philosophy, our reputation and values, as well as the successful business model and the international experience of our parent company Eurobank EFG Group, will help us ensure maximum safety and offer high quality service for our customers”, he said.
Universal Bank is a member of Eurobank EFG Group, an international banking organisation that employs over 21,000 people and offers its products and services both through its network of 1,500 branches and points of sale and through alternative distribution channels. Eurobank EFG is in turn, a member of EFG Bank European Financial Group, which is the third largest Swiss banking Group – following UBS and Credit Suisse.
Eurobank EFG Group which is based in Greece, has already invested a total of 1.6 billion euros in the wider area of South-Eastern and Central Europe. Its vision is to be the Bank of first choice for customers while operating with a sense of responsibility towards its shareholders, employees and society”, said Mr. Othon Kolliriotis, General Manager, Head of Retail International Division of Eurobank EFG Group and Member of the Supervisory Board of Universal Bank.
Universal Bank’s Chairman of Supervisory Board Mr. Sergey Stratonov mentioned that, “Eurobank EFG Group entered the Ukrainian market in early 2007, with the acquisition of OJSC “Bank Universalniy”, a local well respected bank based in Lviv, with 13 years of activity. The transformation was smooth and efficient. Every one of us was focused on the common goal: to create a new and modern bank. The results of our hard and efficient work are already visible. I am confident our new shareholders will lead this Bank to become one of the most dynamic banks in the country”.
Universal Bank services all individual customers, as well as private entrepreneurs, small and medium sized businesses, and corporate clients. Universal Bank’s goal is to create a modern and attractive bank that values its employees, offers a wide range of high quality products, while emphasising on customer service and customer satisfaction. Universal Bank’s aim is to assist and consult its clients in taking the right financial decisions at every stage of their life. Our enlarged branch network, will allow us to service our clients more effectively and efficiently throughout the country and we will continue to expand as opportunities arise. I am positive our bank will become the Bank of first choice for all Ukrainians”, concluded Mr. Miltos Papanikolaou, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Universal Bank.
Universal Bank is a member of Eurobank EFG Group, an international banking organization with total assets of over 63.3 bn euros that employs over 21,000 people and offers its products and services both through its network of 1,500 branches and points of sale and through alternative distribution channels. Eurobank EFG is a member of EFG Bank European Financial Group, a Geneva-based banking Group of Latsis family interests.
In the wider area of Southeastern and Central Europe (New Europe), Eurobank EFG Group ranks among the top banks in all countries where it has an established presence, namely Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Since 2006, Eurobank EFG Group has also entered the markets of Poland, Turkey, Ukraine and Cyprus.
Eurobank EFG has received high marks from the most reputable international rating agencies (Standard & Poor’s, Fitch and Moody’s), not only for its financial strength, but also, for the Group’s client focus, high level of services, innovative products,  its heavy investment in modern technologies and its professional and dynamic management and personnel.