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In our non-performing loan management division, we try to find the most effective method for collecting payments in arrears. We minimise the risks for Eurobank and our customers, and we protect our mutual interests.

The role of our employees

Our employees at the non-performing loan (NPL) management division develop strategies for debt management, settlement and recovery. In addition, they keep in contact with our customers who have outstanding debts and recommend the most suitable debt settlement.

Basic skills

Our executives analyse and assess the financial data and the business plans of our customers. They monitor specific accounts and compile reports. They submit recommendations and proposals for debt settlement.

They set priorities and take advantage of the modern technology available at Eurobank. To communicate more effectively with customers, they have excellent negotiation and communication skills.

They know how to monitor the market and are familiar with the relevant legislation. They identify potential risks for Eurobank and our customers. They take appropriate measures to minimise these risks.

Career opportunities

Find out if there are any career opportunities currently available in NPL management at Eurobank.