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M&G Investments, subsidiary of the large Insurance Group Prudential, is the new international co-operation of Eurobank Private Banking, in the context of the “Open Architecture” that Eurobank has developed.
M&G is added to the 15 international asset managers with which Private Banking is already co-operating. M&G is one of the leading international investment groups, with over 80 years’ experience in managing assets of both institutional and individual clients. Founder of the mutual fund industry in the UK, its strong corporate profile is based on the culture of a trusted partner it has developed through the client centric investment strategies it has adopted. It manages assets worth of €307.3 billion (as of 30/6/2016) in equities, multi-asset, fixed income, real estate and cash. M&G has over 1900 employees worldwide, of which, 496 are investment professionals.
M&G currently offers its investment products in Greece only through Eurobank.
Through the Open Architecture platform, and with the support of the Fund Selection Division of Eurobank Asset Management MFMC, clients of Eurobank Private Banking have access to more than 3.100 investment products of co-operating investment groups. In this way they gain access to a big array of choices, that increases their investment prospects and allows them to seize investment opportunities as these arise in the international financial environment. 

Eurobank Group’s strategy to co-operate with distinguished, international investment groups, offers the potential to Eurobank Private Banking to continuously improve the services it offers and to fulfill the financial objectives of its clients, more effectively, in a challenging and highly competitive international environment.