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“Free Transactions” programme

EurobankEFGintroducesanewerainbankingtransactions,offeringfromtoday theFreeTransactionsprogramme.  

This Eurobank EFG innovative initiative of abolishing a lot of charges is addressed, potentially, to a total of 3,200,000 households and 800,000 professionals who perform everyday banking transactions.

Eurobank EFG Deputy CEO, Mr. Byron Ballis, stressed that “Eurobank EFG initiative to abolish charges in everyday transactions, performed by the public through their banking account, is incorporated in the Bank’s commitment to an integrated and qualitative client service. In the past four years Eurobank EFG has invested more than €150 million in systems and automations aiming at a more effective client service. Technologyinvestmentsresultedtoproductivityincreaseandatthesametimecostreduction, afactthatallowsustoofferqualityservices at a lower cost to our clients.”

Indicatively, with the abolishment of charges on a lot of everyday transactions, the benefit for a professional could reach €100 monthly. Respectively, the benefit for a household could reach €15 - €30 on a monthly basis.

Eurobank EFGGeneral Manager,Mr. MichaelVlastarakis,presentedthenewprogrammethroughwhichallprofessionalsandindividuals who maintain a co-operation relationship with Eurobank EFG are eligible to the following transactions without any charges:


  • Check book issuance (unlimited)
  • Payments /MoneytransfersinEurowithinGreece(e.g. payments to suppliers)
    • Up to 10 Free Outgoing payments* monthly 
    • Unlimited Incoming payments
  • Bank Drafts Issuance
  • Unlimited deposits and withdrawals at teller
  • Cashdepositsinfavorofthirdparties (e.g. rent deposit)
  • Alldirect debits for bill payments (e.g. ΟΤΕ, PPC,  Mobile phone)
  • All ad hoc bill payments through Eurobank’s alternative channels (Phone Banking, e-Banking, ΑΤΜ) and through  Open24 branch network
  • ΙΚΑ, ΤΕVΕ, VATthrough Eurobank’s alternative channels and through Open24 branch network everyday of each month
  • Also, for these customers, Low balance Fees and Dormancy fees are abolished from their account.

Inparallel, andfortheconvenienceofourclients,wecontinuously develop our branch Networks. Today we have 370 Branches, 100 Open24 branches, and more than 1,000 automatic teller machines (ATM’s and APS’s). It should be noted that our clients perform over 3,000,000 transactions monthly through alternative channels.

«Taking advantage of thetechnology,Eurobank EFG cantakeadaring step forward, aiming to the customer’s satisfaction through a mutual benefit relationship», Mr. Vlastarakis mentioned.

General Manager, Mr. Evaggelos Kavvalos, underlined that “Eurobank EFG specialization in the area of Small Business Banking, allowed it to comprehend even better the importance of the effective management of the payments system for the professionals and thus it responds dynamically through the abolishment of the transactions charges and the option to perform these transactions 24hours a day from their office. The new policy concerns professionals who maintain or are going to acquire a product or service like a professional loan, letter of guarantee, imports, credit cards POS».

Asitwasunderlined, inorderforsomeonetobeeligible for FreeTransactions,itisenoughtomaintainaclientrelationshipwiththebankwithdeposits, investmentsorloansandshouldnothavedelinquenciesformorethan 90 days.

Specifically, anyonewhomaintainsdepositsof €5,000 ormorewithEurobank EFGoratotalrelationship (sumofloans, deposits, investments) of €10.000 or more, is eligible to take advantage of the programme under the condition that the client asks for his account to be connected to the “Free Transactions” programme.-

*  IBANofthepaymentreceiverisaprerequisite.