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THE BANKER AWARDS -" the Bank of the Year 2004"

EFG Eurobank Ergasias was selected as «Bank of the Year 2004» in Greece, for a third year, by internationally acclaimed magazine The Banker, part of the Financial Times publishing group. Concurrently, Banc Post, a Eurobank subsidiary, received the «Bank of the Year 2004» in Romania award for the first time this year.
EFG Eurobank Ergasias was selected as «Bank of the Year 2004» in Greece, for a third year, by internationally acclaimed magazine The Banker, part of the Financial Times publishing group. Concurrently, Banc Post, a Eurobank subsidiary, received the «Bank of the Year 2004» in Romania award for the first time this year.
The distinctions were granted as part of the annual awards established by The Banker to select the most successful and efficient banking organization in each country.
Mr David Watson, Advisor to Management and Head of International Activities, received the award for «Bank of the Year 2004» in Greece on behalf of Eurobank at a special ceremony held yesterday in London. Mr George Michelis, Managing Director of Banc Post, received the award for «Bank of the Year 2004» in Romania.
The Banker magazine complemented Eurobank’s award with the following remarks: «In an expanding banking market, EFG Eurobank Ergasias is one of the fastest-growing institutions in the region and has been able to achieve strong profits and leading positions in key market segments, such as consumer lending, capital markets and asset management. Eurobank has also been able to make considerable progress in neighbouring countries and in 2003 gained management control in subsidiary banks in Bulgaria (Post Bank Bulgaria), Romania (Banc Post Romania) and Serbia (EFG Eurobank Beograd)».
On the occasion of the award’s publication, Eurobank’s CEO Mr Nicholas Nanopoulos, stated: «Eurobank’s business model is based on a client-focused approach with emphasis on superior service, continuous adaptation to a changing environment, effective cost management, and concern for human-resources management and development.  And it has proved to be a winning one: we are the fastest growing bank in Greece’s rapidly expanding economy, with a leading position in the most promising domestic market segments and are establishing a solid footprint in the transforming economies of SE Europe.  Our aim is to be the bank of first choice for the clients that we serve.»
On the subject of Banc Post’s award, The Banker highlights that the bank has positioned itself strategically in the Romanian market and offers a wide range of high-quality, innovative products to individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises, and corporate clients. Banc Post is the largest lender to small and medium-sized enterprises in Romania. The past year was marked by the introduction of innovative technology and processes aimed at safeguarding the high quality of the bank’s products and services. Banc Post is the first Romanian bank to introduce Internet Banking, as well as an electronic tax payment system. It holds the leading position in VISA credit cards and continuously expands its ATM network, which already amounts to 500 units.
The Banker’s award committee uses multiple criteria in assessing banks, including growth and efficiency rates, capital adequacy and asset quality, technological infrastructure and its contribution to the expansion of a bank’s market position. Strategic and organizational efficiency, and their impact on a bank’s ability for future growth, are also assessed. The management of human resources and their contribution to a bank’s success, were also areas of focus in this year’s assessment.