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Greece’s Harvard University alumni organised a special social event.

A special social event, bringing together a great many of Greece’s Harvard University alumni, took place on Wednesday, 23rd of June 2004, at the Museum of the City of Athens Vouros-Eutaxias, in Klafthmonos Square.
A special social event, bringing together a great many of Greece’s Harvard University alumni, took place on Wednesday, 23rd of June 2004, at the Museum of the City of Athens Vouros-Eutaxias, in Klafthmonos Square.
The event was organized by the Greek Alumni Association of Harvard University and was sponsored by the Private Banking department of EFG Eurobank Ergasias as part of the Group’s contribution to the promotion of Greek art and Greece’s cultural history.
Mrs Helen Papakonstantinou, president of the Alumni Association of Harvard University in Greece, and Mr. Efthymios Bouloutas, Deputy General Manager of Eurobank, head of Private Banking, welcomed the guests. Mr Antonis Vogiatzis, president of the Board of Directors of the Vouros-Eutaxias Foundation, and Professor Stelios Lydakis, director of the Museum of the City of Athens, then spoke about the activities of the Foundation and the Museum.
The guests were then treated to a guided tour of the Museum’s permanent exhibition by Professor Lydakis. The Museum is housed in a neo-classical building, an architectural monument formerly the residence of King Otho and Queen Amalia of Greece. The tour then moved on two very interesting exhibitions currently hosted by the Museum, “Great Travelers to Athens from the 15th to the 19th centuries” and “Views of Athens: Modern Greek Painters”.
A cocktail party followed, where Harvard alumni had the opportunity to meet with the representatives of the Museum of Athens as well as officers of Eurobank’s Private Banking.