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AMUE Conference

A two-day international economic conference will take place in Athens on 3 and 4 July 2000. The conference's main themes are the implications of Greece's imminent entry into the euro-zone, in the wake of the European Council's official decision on 19-20 June 2000 in Portugal, and the new landscape that will ensue for the Greek economy. The conference is held under the aegis of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE) and enjoys the exclusive sponsorship and support of EFG Eurobank.

A two-day international economic conference will take place in Athens on 3 and 4 July 2000. The conference's main themes are the implications of Greece's imminent entry into the euro-zone, in the wake of the European Council's official decision on 19-20 June 2000 in Portugal, and the new landscape that will ensue for the Greek economy. The conference is held under the aegis of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE) and enjoys the exclusive sponsorship and support of EFG Eurobank.
The conference, entitled "From the Drachma to the Euro", hopes to make a significant contribution to the analysis and understanding of the requirements for a successful transition and adjustment of the Greek economy and Greek business to the new environment of the euro. The official opening ceremony will take place at the headquarters of the Latsis Group, the "Pallas Athena" building, in Kefalari, Kifissia, on Monday, 3 July 2000.The Minister of the National Economy and Finance Mr. Yiannos Papantoniou, the Governor of the Bank of Greece Mr. Loukas Papademos, and the Governor of the National Bank of Greece Mr. Theodore Karatzas will be the speakers at the official opening session. The former President of France Mr. Valιry Giscard d'Ιstaing will be the keynote speaker and has been invited to close the first day's session. He will be introduced by Mr. Ιtienne Davignon, Chairman of Sociιtι Gιnιrale de Belgique and President of the AMUE. On Tuesday, 4 July 2000 the conference will reconvene at the Athens Hilton to address in depth a number of topics associated with the introduction of the euro, including the implications for the economy's competitiveness, for financial markets, companies' operating methods and procedures, and the effects it will have on consumers. Speakers will include distinguished personalities from the economic, banking and business world, both from Greece and abroad.
The conference is being organised by "Symeon Tsomokos.