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Client events on new corporate tax legislation

Eurobank EFG launches a new major initiative to support the self-employed and small businesses across Greece. Specifically, the Bank, in cooperation with the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Tax Consultant Professionals (P.O.F.E.E.), will hold 20 events in major Greek cities to inform customers on the major changes in corporate tax legislation (according to L. 3842/2010). This is the latest in a series of initiatives that the Bank has undertaken within the year, aiming to effectively and efficiently assist customers in the current economic downturn.

The events aim to inform the business and professional world thoroughly of the main changes to the tax legislation that affect self-employed professionals and small businesses. Qualified Tax Consultants / Accountants, members of the P.O.F.E.E. will present, provide examples, and discuss in detail all matters referred to in L. 3842/2010, such as changes in the taxation of corporate profits, amendments relating to expenses, tax records and VAT, changes in payment and collection methods, tax incentives to retain jobs, and other tax provisions that impact small businesses significantly.
Since the beginning of the crisis, Eurobank EFG has stood responsibly by the side of small businesses and self-employed professionals by providing information, through similar initiatives, special funding programs and debt restructuring programs. Thus, the Bank aims to support the efficient operations and development of this client segment consistently, particularly in the current adverse economic conditions.
The events across Greece will be completed by mid-December.