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Eurobank EFG Equities

On 19 May 2010 the legal merger of Eurobank EFG Securities SA and Eurobank EFG Telesis Finance SA has been completed. The consolidation creates an investment banking firm with leading presence in Greece and activities in the wider region of Southeast Europe, by the name of Eurobank EFG Equities.
The new company will hold the 1st place in Greece in stock trading, derivatives trading, primary and secondary capital issues, advisory services and mergers and acquisitions.
The merger exploits synergies mostly in terms of corporate clients’ service and at the same time enables Eurobank EFG Equities to focus more effectively on the enhancement of its presence outside Greece. The assets of the new entity will reach approximately €100 m.
Head of the company is Mr. Costas Mitropoulos, Executive Chairman, with Mr. Nikos Andrianopoulos, CEO and Mr. Apostolos Kazakos, Deputy CEO responsible for Investment Banking respectively.

Eurobank EFG Equities covers a full range of Investment Banking activities:
  • Exchange transactions on stocks and derivatives (Greek and foreign)
  • Corporate market making
  • Listings/IPO’s/Delisting
  • Acquisitions/Mergers/Privatizations
  • Capital investments and participations in companies
The creation of Eurobank EFG Equities confirms the importance attributed by Eurobank EFG Group to the capital markets services and is consistent with the Group’s business strategy in the countries of New Europe. It should be noted that the consolidated model for the development of stock exchange and investment banking services is already successfully applied in Turkey and Bulgaria, while during this year the respective consolidation in Romania is expected to be completed.

The strategic goals of Eurobank EFG Equities remain consistent: to maintain the company’s leading position in the Greek market, to enhance its presence in Southeast Europe, to improve the quality of the offered services with innovative ideas and propositions.