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The Eurobank Historical Archives have incorporated material from all the banks that have merged with Eurobank. Together they make up the Group's identity. The labelling and recording of the archives and collections from other banks are still at a very early stage.

Cretabank Archives

Cretabank SA merged with EFG Eurobank SA in 1999.

Interbank Greece Archives

Interbank Greece SA merged with EFG Eurobank SA in 1997.

Telesis Investment Bank Archives

Telesis Investment Bank SA merged with EFG Eurobank SA in 2002.

T Bank Archives

T Bank SA (formerly Aspis Bank) succeeded TT Hellenic Postbank SA in 2011. Its successor was the New TT Hellenic Postbank in 2013.

UnitBank Archives

UnitBank SA merged with EFG Eurobank SA in 2003.

Omega Bank SA Archives

Omega Bank SA was absorbed by Proton Bank SA in 2006.

Proton Bank Archives

New Proton Bank SA succeeded Proton Bank SA in 2011 and merged with Eurobank SA in 2013.

Follow the history of the Eurobank Group.