Eurobank Ergasias S.A. (hereinafter “Bank” or “Eurobank”) announces, in accordance with law 3401/2005, as in force, that the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission has been informed, at its meeting on 17.05.2019, of the content of the document of article 4 of law 3401/2005 (hereinafter the “Document”) regarding the Bank’s share capital increase due to the merger by absorption of the company under the name “Grivalia Properties REIC” (hereinafter “Grivalia”) by Eurobank (hereinafter the “Merger”), in accordance with the decisions of a) the Extraordinary General Meeting of Eurobank’s shareholders held on 5th April 2019, and b) the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grivalia’s shareholders held on 5th April 2019.

The Document is available to investors from 17.05.2019 in electronic format, on the websites of: 

In addition, printed copies of the said Document will also be available to the investors free of charge, upon their request, at the Bank’s offices at 10 Filellinon Str. & 13 Xenofontos Str., 1st floor, P.C. 105 57, Athens.

Following ATHEX approval dated 16 May 2019 for the listing of the Bank’s new shares, issued as a result of the Bank’s share capital increase due to the Merger (hereinafter the “New Shares”), the expected time-table for the listing of the Bank’s New Shares is as follows:

Date Event
Friday 17th May 2019  Registration in the General Commercial Registry and publication on its website of the announcement of its decision by which the merger between Eurobank and Grivalia by absorption of the latter by the former was approved, as well as the announcement regarding the deregistration of Grivalia from the General Commercial Registry
Friday 17th May 2019  Publication of the announcement in the ATHEX Daily Official List regarding the deregistration of Grivalia from the General Commercial Registry and the cessation of trading of its shares in the ATHEX
Friday 17th May 2019  Last day of trading of Grivalia’s shares
Friday 17th May 2019  Notification of the Document to the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
Friday 17th May 2019 Publication of the announcement regarding the publication of the Document in the ATHEX Daily Official List and on the websites of the Bank, of Grivalia and of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
Friday 17th May 2019  Publication of the Document (through the uploading on the websites of the Bank, of Grivalia, of ATHEX and of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission)
Friday 17th May 2019  Publication of the Bank’s announcement in the ATHEX Daily Official List regarding the listing and the date of initiation of trading of the New Shares in the ATHEX
Monday 20th May 2019  Cessation of the trading of the shares of the absorbed company Grivalia (cut-off for the merger)
Monday 20th May 2019  Trading of Eurobank’s shares with adjusted price
Tuesday 21st May 2019  Date of determination of the beneficiaries (Record Date)
Wednesday 22nd May 2019  Credit of the New Shares (to Grivalia’s former shareholders)
Thursday 23rd May 2019  Initiation of the trading of the New Shares with nominal value €0.23


In case the abovementioned time table is changed, the investors will be informed through a relevant announcement of the Bank. 

For further information, Shareholders may contact the Bank’s Investor Information Services Division at 8 Iolkou Str. & Filikis Etaireias, P.C. 142 34 N. Ionia (tel. +30 210-3522400), during working days and hours.